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Wednesday, December 17, 2008



Sekolah Katolik Nasional Plus yang pertama di Bekasi. Berlokasi di CBD Kota Harapan Indah, Bekasi. Sementara berlokasi di Ruko Sentra Bisnis/sentra HP, Sekolah Nasional Plus John Paul’s School berazaskan Katolik dan memakai kurikulum Nasional yang diperkaya dengan kurikulum Cambridge, sehingga bisa memenuhi standard kompetensi Kurikulum Nasional dan Kurikulum Cambridge IGCSE & A level. Sehingga lulusan John Paul’s bisa melanjutkan pendidikan baik di dalam negeri maupun keluar negeri, dan mempunyai kompetensi berbahasa Inggris yang bertaraf internasional



1. Sekolah berazaskan Iman Katolik,dengan kitab suci dan tradisi katolik sebagai dua pilar utama dalam pembentukan karakter siswa - siswi dan diperkaya oleh nilai – nilai kemanusiaan universal seperti Kejujuran,Respect dll.

2. Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris dan Mandarin diberikan tiap hari, mulai dari TK sampai dengan SMA dan sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam proses belajar dan mengajar,kecuali bahasa Indonesia

3.Kurikulum yang dipakai adalah kur. Nasional yang diperkaya dg kur. Cambridge.

4.Murid ikut ujian Nasional di klas 6 SD, klas 3 SMP dan klas 3 SMA. Dan para murid sangat dianjurkan dalam mengikuti ujian IGCSE di klas 10 (klas 1 SMA).dan A Level di klas 12 ( klas 3 SMA )

WISE CHOICE: “Pay Less, Get More”

Maksudnya, dengan uang sekolah yang dibayarkan setiap bulan senilai +/- 900 ribu, didapatkan pelajaran bahasa Inggris Aktif sepanjang jam pelajaran dan kurikulum yang bertaraf internasional, lebih murah dari belajar di sekolah nasional 500 ribuan + biaya kursus bhs.Inggris+ biaya kursus Mandarin


1. Guru John Paul’s, dipilih dari guru-guru yang telah berpengalaman dan berkompetensi untuk mengajar dan bisa berbahasa Inggris Aktif. Untuk guru English, Mandarin disampaikan oleh native teacher.

2. Computer Laboratory dilengkapi dengan internet access, 1 murid 1 computer.

3.Library dilengkapi dengan koleksi buku referensi dan fasilitas komputer dan Audio Visual

4.Laboratorium Science, Biology, Chemistry dan Physics

5. Ruang kelas Full Air Con, 30 seats

6.Fasilitas Olah raga, Basket ball, Futsal dan Ex cul

7.Swimming pool anak

8.Music Room dan Ruang Kapel

9.Built in Public Address System

10.Wide Parking Area

Uang pendaftaran dan uang sekolah TA 2009/2010, start Juli 2009
Formulir pendaftaran Rp.100.000,-

KG 1/TK1 ,

Uang pangkal Rp.3.500.000,-

Uang Sekolah RP. 600.000,-/bulan

KG 2/TK2,

Uang pangkal Rp.1.750.000,-
Uang Sekolah Rp. 600.000,-/bulan


Primary 1 , uang pangkal Rp.12.000.000,-
Primary 2, uang pangkal Rp. 6.000.000,-
Primary 3, uang pangkal Rp. 4.000.000,-
Primary 4, uang pangkal Rp. 2.000.000,-
Uang sekolah primary Rp.900.000,- perbulan


JHS 1, uang pangkal Rp.12.000.000,-
Uang sekolah JHS Rp.1.000.000,- perbulan


Pembayaran Uang Sekolah setahun, cukup bayar 11 bulan, pembayaran terakhir 30 April 2009

Insentif Pembayaran uang pangkal :
Lunas per 30 November 2008 disc. 30 %
Lunas per 31 Desember 2008 disc. 30 %
Lunas per 31 Januari 2009 disc. 25 %
Lunas per 28 Pebruari 2009 disc. 20 %
Lunas per 31 Maret 2009 disc. 15 %
Lunas per 30 April 2009 disc. 10%
Lunas per 30 Mei 2009 disc. 5%

What is Cambridge examination?

Examinations conducted by
Cambridge University U.K.
( World’s Best no.2 University in 2007)
It is well recognized to enroll in education institutions around the world

- In Indonesia, only IGCSE and “A “ level exams are available
IGCSE = International General Certificate for Secondary Education
It is recognized as a world class examination bench mark for secondary students
Taken by Year 10 students.
IGCSE certificate entitles students to enroll to college/foundation program

“A Level” = Advanced Level
It is used to certify that students have passed a higher secondary education, and ready to enter university.
( If you get 3 ‘A’ marks on “A level” exams, you will be able to enroll to Cambridge University, UK)

“A Level” consists of 2 sub levels :
nAS (Advanced Subsidiary) level, taken by Year 11 students
nA2 level, taken by Year 12 students
nAS + A2 marks = “A level” marks
nStudents can also directly take “ A level “ exam

Why do we choose IGCSE ?

1. It helps to build up John Paul’s Image as a “world class quality school”.
It is proven that our students can pass this world class examination, not just national examination.
This image becomes very important to attract more students to study at John Paul’s (especially Junior High + Senior High).
Also, it helps to encourage teachers and students to always reach the IGCSE benchmark.
John Paul’s has an alternative way to graduate from Secondary School (Other than National System) with certificate recognized all over the world, this is the advantage of studying at John Paul’s Senior High (especially for students want to study abroad).

2. The IGCSE syllabus are not difficult for both students and teachers. So we can achieve high marks with reasonable effort.

3. IGCSE certificate is the shortest and easiest way to enter university. All the IGCSE graduates can enroll to colleges/ foundation, who then can continue their studies to university level.

In USA, students can enroll to colleges
In Singapore, students can enroll to colleges and polytechnics
In Indonesia, students can enroll to colleges

For example, Monash College, Monash University Foundation Program, Inti College, UNSW foundation, RMIT foundation (requirements of minimum 5 subjects and ‘C’ marks).

Why do we enroll university by study at college / foundation program ?

It is easier to get excellent marks in College/Foundation Program, because in College/Foundation Program they have to study less subjects ( max 5 subjects ) compared with regular high school ( more than 7 subjects ). So if we can achieve good marks, it will be easier to enroll at good universities abroad.

Study at college /foundation program relatively faster ( It takes about 6-10 months ) , rather than study at regular high school
( it takes about 1-2 years). This condition apply for year 10 students.

In College / Foundation program, we can choose to study only subjects which are necessary to enroll in to certain programs in the university.

When to take IGCSE exam ?

IGCSE exams are taken by year 10 students.
The IGCSE program starts in year 9 and finishes in year 10.
Each year, there are 2 periods of exams:
1st Period : April – May, the exam result is out on June
2nd period : Sept.- Oct., the exam result is out on Nov.

Frequently Asked Questions:

AS level and A2 level exams have the same period. The results will be given out 2 months after the last paper.
How many subjects and its cost ?
Usually taking 5 subjects is enough for college requirements.
Compulsory subjects are: English, Mathematics, Chemistry, and
Other subjects: Physics, Additional Mathematics, Biology.

For the ICE certificate, students have to take 7 subjects:
English, 1 other language (Bahasa Indonesia), Mathematics, Chemistry, Add. Math, Physics/Biology, Life skills (IT/ Computer Science) and Humanities (Geography / Sociology).
For more details, please browse the Cambridge CD/

The examination fee is paid to Cambridge officer at British Council :
Administration fee = £ 25 / student/subject
Exam fee= £ 30.60/ syllabus
Registration fee = £15 /student
All fees must be paid during registration to Mr.Beny Slamet, CIE open centre ID-40, Telp. 5157747, Fax 5157799

What is the format of the exam?
In Indonesia, IGCSE Exam is formatted in this way :
English: reading, listening and writing
Sciences subjects : Multiple Choice,alternative to practical and essay
IT/ Computer Science : Theory and practical
*Exams by coursework are not available in Indonesia.
Further details, browse Cambridge CD.

IGCSE marking system :
For core papers, the maximum mark is ‘C’
For extended papers, the maximum mark is ‘A*’
Students must choose carefully which papers to take.

How do we conduct the IGCSE program ?
To achieve excellent result on IGCSE exams, students and parents must be well prepared.
( Parents must be prepared for the exam fee )
An outstanding exam result can be achieved by working & studying hard systematically every day.
For the preparation, it is very important to motivate the students and teachers to do their bests.
A special exam tuition program must be prepared for the purpose of :

1. Familiarization with questions and how to answer them.
2. Addition of topics that have not been delivered in regular class
3. Studying some tips & tricks for the examination.
Student shall take min. 5 exam subjects, to take the advantage of the IGCSE certicicate.( This is an another way to graduate from Senior High )


The IGCSE program can also be delivered after school hours,

This program is not for John Paul’s students only, but also for students from other schools (who intends to study abroad ) So more students can be more familiar with John Paul’s School
Comparison Indonesia- SingaporeEducation System


SMA National Exam
SMP National Exam
SD National Exam
SD 1-6

John Paul’s School will prevail in both National & IGCSE exams
A level exam
Junior College 2/Year 12
Junior College 1 /Year 11
O Level Exam (equal to IGCSE)
Secondary 4
Secondary 3
Secondary 2
Secondary 1
Primary School Leaving Exam.
Primary 1-6

Why do we use “ O level” Singaporean books for IGCSE preparation ?

O level ( = IGCSE) Singaporean books have been screened and approved by MOE ( Ministry of Education Singapore). So, the books are guaranteed for their qualities and suitable with IGCSE Exams.

Singaporean books are complete & integrated, for each subject, it usually consists of: text book, work book and practical book (for science), those three books are well integrated in each topic.
U.K. Books delivers only text books ( maximum with a work book).

The price of the Singaporean books are reasonable and controlled by the MOE, (for books that have been approved & their price, please browse the

Biru: Simbol Pendidikan

Untuk persiapan bersekolah di John Paul’s School, akan diadakan pembekalan/kursus bahasa Inggris secara gratis dimulai bulan Januari 5/1/2009 sampai bulan mei 2009. Untuk pembagian jadwal akan diberitahukan lebih lanjut.

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